Landscape Performance Series Wins Top Honor from American Society of Landscape Architects

Our friends at the Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF) provide an invaluable resource for the A/E/C industry. Throughout the year, the organization produces a wide variety of tools and data that architects and other professionals can use to make the case for sustainable landscape solutions.
One of these resources is the Landscape Performance Series, a collection of Case Study Briefs, Fast Fact Libraries, and Benefits Toolkits that LAF Executive Director Barbara Deutsch describes as “the thought leadership of countless individuals and organizations who have contributed over the years.” In 2014, LAF asked TOKY to rework the Landscape Performance Series, which at that time lived as a small subsection of the organization’s main website.

TOKY turned the Landscape Performance Series into a reader-friendly, searchable microsite with its own brand, look, and feel. Our designers introduced features to make the Case Study Briefs easier to read and skim — including headers, subheads, and the ability to navigate directly to specific case study sections such as “Sustainable Features,” “Cost Comparisons,” or “Lessons Learned.”

The site also introduced a variety of content discovery tools, including enhanced search capabilities, multilayer content filters, and related content recommendations. TOKY also created “Collections,” which are themed groups of content curated by LAF and leading thinkers in the landscape architecture field.

LAF was delighted with the results. Barbara Deutsch called the site, “an amazing platform to deliver the cutting-edge content.” Heather Whitlow, Director of Programs and Communications for LAF, says that the all-new Landscape Performance Series is “the same award-winning resources repackaged in a clean, intuitive way that makes them much easier to search and explore.”
After a year of boosted engagement and positive reviews from the larger landscape architecture industry, the Landscape Performance Series has earned an Award of Excellence (the highest honor) from the American Society of Landscape Architects.
The award will be presented at the ASLA Annual Meeting and Expo in Chicago on Monday, November 9, 2015. The TOKY team will be at McCormick Place for the ceremony — let us know if you’ll be there, too.

Congrats to our clients and friends at LAF!