KIZMET Chocolates Packaging Featured on Graphis

KIZMET is the nation’s finest line of hemp CBD oil chocolates. The all-natural, plant-based brand combines pure CBD hemp oil with the finest cocoa beans to create artisanal chocolate with a twist.
Team TOKY was tasked with branding the new CBD-infused line from renowned chocolatier Maureen Moore of Saddleback Chocolates. Earlier this week, we were thrilled to see KIZMET packaging featured on the Graphis blog.
From the article:
“As artisanal chocolate with unique flavors and infused with CBD, KIZMET revolutionizes the ordinary chocolate bar. This packaging cleverly utilizes old-school candy stripes to show this chocolate doesn’t forget what it is, but the tiny gold marijuana leaf at the top of the box with the slogan ‘Chocolate Meets CBD’ modernizes the delicacy.”
Cheers to Graphis for the feature, and congrats to our clients at KIZMET! Shop the full line of CBD chocolates at