A Toast to 2018

The end of another year. Today, we indulge ourselves in looking back, steel ourselves by looking forward.
So — a toast!
Here’s to our loyal clients — may they always be eager for our work, ebullient with their praise, relaxed with their deadlines, and generous with their winnings.
Here’s to living in a nation great enough to look hard at its flaws and actively work to correct them. We are blessed to live in a country that inexorably bends toward justice.
Here’s to loving your city (St. Louis, Denver, Boston, wherever) while living nationally with work that matters.
Here’s to the team of brilliant people that I get to work with five days of seven. Thank you for your passion and your humor, your sharp minds, and big hearts.
Here’s to finally learning the difference between tinkering to perfection and striving for greatness.
Here’s to our circles of friends. May we all balance our lives well enough that we find time to laugh together.
Here’s to our healthy, happy families. Everything we do is for you.
And here’s to 25 years of life and marriage with my partner in all things. Every day is a gift.
Here’s wishing you good business, good health, good friendship, and good luck on this glorious spinning rock we call home.
Slàinte mhòr agad!
— Eric & Mary