TOKY-Designed Forest Park Trolley Recognized by City Parks Alliance

Our friends at Forest Park were recently selected as the “Frontline Park” for the month of November. This honor comes from City Parks Alliance, a national organization that promotes the creation, revitalization, and sustainability of parks and green spaces that contribute to cities.
The organization called special attention to the Forest Park Trolley System, which was created to better manage the park’s traffic and to help visitors get from destination to destination aboard a friendly, approachable bus.
TOKY was honored to lead design and branding efforts for the Forest Park Trolley, which has carried over 230,000 riders since its debut in 2011. As City Parks Alliance put it, the trolley “has been the largest contributor to the success” of the park’s traffic management plan.

With Forest Park Trolley on our radar once again, we were delighted to come across this blog post from Smiling Bagel, which takes a closer look at the intended (and in some cases unintended) meanings of the illustrations we created for the bus wrap.
Congratulations to our friends at Forest Park Forever and Metro for putting Forest Park on the map as a national leader.