24 ADDY Nominations, Our Best Ever

The St. Louis Ad Club sent out the emails that every agency in St. Louis wants to get… the list of the entries to the Addys that have made it through the gauntlet of judging. This year TOKY submitted 32 projects for consideration, and 24 of those made it in the show. The 24 winners in the show is TOKY’s best-ever record, beating last year’s 16 entries by a wide margin.
I’m especially proud of the range of our work that’s been nominated. We always say we aren’t an ad agency or a graphic design studio, but a company that’s focused on branding in all media, and this selection bears that out. We have books, brochures, posters, photography, animated films, logos, business papers, websites, typography, and invitations all in the show. Oh, yeah, and a bus.
Almost every single person at TOKY is a key part of at least one winning entry, which makes me very, very proud of our team. Way to go, everyone!!!
The St. Louis ADDYs are the local competition; winners advance to a 5-state regional competition, and those winners go on to national competition. Last year TOKY won two national ADDYs. We have our fingers crossed that some of those 24 nominations will do as well this year! The Show is February 17; we’ll keep you posted.