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TOKY’s Fentress Site Takes Second Place in SMPS Nationals

Last week, three members of the TOKY team made their way to Philadelphia for the Society for Marketing Professional Services’ (SMPS) Build Business, an annual conference focusing on business development and marketing for design and building industry professionals.

The conference overlapped with the SMPS Society Gala, the awards ceremony for the organization’s National Marketing Communications Awards. Our very own Alec Gleason (Director of Business Development) co-emceed the event alongside Julie Huval of Beck Technology in Dallas.

Photo of Jay David, Eric Thoelke, and Alec Gleason at the SMPS Society Gala, 2016
Jay David (Interactive Creative Director), Eric Thoelke (President + Executive Creative Director), and Alec Gleason (Director of Business Development) attended the SMPS Society Gala in Philadelphia on August 11, 2016. Photo courtesy of SMPS.

We were honored to take home the second place trophy in the competition’s website category, awarded for our design and development work on the Fentress Architects site.

Fentress is a Denver-based architecture firm known for its iconic airport, museum, and courthouse design. We designed and developed a site that showcases the firm’s market-specific work and leverages project photography of all shapes and sizes.

Mobile screenshots of Fentress Architects website

Julian Fentress, Director of Business Development at Fentress, had this feedback on the site:

“The site TOKY created is not only a beautiful portfolio, but an effective sales tool. We’re now able to showcase our market expertise and philosophy in a way that truly stands out from competing firms.”

We’re excited to continue our partnership with Fentress on future projects.


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Written by Katherine Leonard
